F.A.Q. About Reclaimed Barnwood


 What is Barnwood?

After untold decades of withstanding the rigors of use and the elements, reclaimed barn siding acquires an earned beauty, time-tested durability, and unmatched character. With only minimal upkeep, a wide selection of cut sizes, and customized milling- antique barn siding will lend its unique character to any reclaimed wood project you choose to use it in. Due to the aging process which gives reclaimed lumber its unique patina, it has no rival when it comes to the beauty. As the wood dries with age, oxidation creates an unmistakable texture which cannot be faithfully imitated on new lumber. Reclaimed and recycled lumber comes from original stands of old-growth. It possesses an unparalleled architectural character, making it ideal for use in timber frames, open beam ceilings, exposed trusses, rustic mantels, exposed headers, trellis work, millwork, reclaimed wood flooring, and rustic furniture. Choose from an assortment of natural colors and finish options, all of which promise a perfect pairing with any type of space be from residential to professional.


Barnwood Stand Up to Exposed Applications?

Reclaimed lumber and vintage barn wood are prized for low moisture retention and density. This coveted feature lends itself to stability for use in exposed applications. Low moisture allows the wood to resist shrinkage. That means it is unlikely to pull apart, which is a common problem in exposed applications rendered in green lumber. Old growth timbers and beams are very dense and have high ring counts. This gives them the ability to grade with high structural values and lends a whole new level of equity to structures where reclaimed lumber is used.


How Does Barnwood Support the Environment?

Recycled wood is also popular with those who are concerned with environmental issues involved in logging. Using our reclaimed lumber products helps reduce the need to cut down old growth trees. Reusing vintage lumber not only helps to create buildings of unusual value, but it also helps to preserve our precious forests.


What Makes Barnwood Unique?

Reclaimed wood from inside an original structure, not exposed to the elements, will often retain its original color although with some fading. When it is directly exposed to the elements, the patina will develop a hint of gray delicately mingled with the original colors just beneath the surface. The way the building was used and where it was located will also affect its appearance. Reclaimed barn wood flooring will show the marks of use, even after sanding. Hand hewn barn beams carry the mark of the adz ax originally used to size the beams. All these variations allow you to select wood for character based on your vision of the projects you want to use it in.


What is the Historical Significance of Barnwood?

Old, used lumber often holds historical value. Reclaimed lumber usually results from the dismantling of buildings constructed around the turn of the previous century. As a consequence, it often reflects the character of the regions and industries that produced it. While we would prefer to preserve historical structures, restoration is not always possible and we take pride in preserving a structure’s valuable history by rescuing and reusing any useful building elements that can be saved such as beams, timber, and flooring. This is especially true with wood once used in cabins and barns. As such structures become increasingly rare, they are all the more appreciated for their especially rustic character. Barns typically reach the end of their useful life long before the wood is reclaimed but, the history of these special structures lives on in the vintage wood products we produce. These once massively utilitarian buildings- having provided long and valuable service to farmers, ranchers, and industry- can now be appreciated for the singular beauty of their constituent components.